Ultra-Quiet Nylon Garage Door Rollers

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Ultra-Quiet Nylon Garage Door Rollers

A replacement roller kit for old, noisy or broken garage door rollers on sectional, track-style garage doors. The DURA-LIFT Ultra-Quiet 10-pack of rollers features a 2" nylon wheel with a 4" stem.

This product is perfect for Do-It-Yourself garage door repair and maintenance!

Ultra-Quiet Nylon Garage Door Roller Specs

  • Quiet: Nylon Wheel reduces garage door noise by at least 75% compared to standard steel rollers
  • Durable: Rated for 55,000 door cycles for a 110 lb. door
  • Extra Lubrication: Lubrication groove on roller to disperse lubrication over extended period
  • Standard Replacement Size: 1-13/16" diameter, 4-5/8" long shaft

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